New Borough Building Project

The Borough of East Pittsburgh is currently accepting bid proposals for construction of a new Borough Building.

If you have any questions pertaining to this project, please reference the following link: epb-001010 Official Advertisement nonCM

A pre-bid meeting is scheduled for 1:30 PM, March 20, 2025, at the Senior Center, 700 Grandview, Avenue, East Pittsburgh, PA 15112.

The bid opening will occur at the Senior Center, after 2:00 PM, on April 3, 2025.

Main Street and Center Street Paving Project

Please be advised that PennDOT will be working on Main Street and Center Street on Mondays through Fridays beginning on March 24, 2025.

Parking will be limited to one side of Center Street at any given time during this project.

There is no set date for project completion, so limited parking will continue until the posted signs have been removed.

While this project is underway, the Borough will be hiring a contractor to install new manholes to bring them to grade for the new paving project.

If you have any questions, please contact the Borough Office at 412-823-7124.