Please note that the Borough has an Ordinance prohibiting basketball hoops in the streets/public rights-of-way.
Please see the following link for details: Restrictions on Basketball Hoops and Other Such Structures In or Near Right-of-Way
Please note that the Borough, in the interest of preserving the safety of the right-of-way, will remove the structure and other similar obstructions via the Department of Public Works.
To reclaim your property from the Borough, please contact the Borough Office at 412-823-7124 Ext. 108.
Per Ordinance No. 859 (see link above), the Borough may additionally pursue fines for violations of the ordinance.
Every week our streets, alleyways and parks are full of litter. The Borough provides trash cans at many corners and in the parks for residents and visitors to place their trash. You may not realize it, but it costs us over $17,000 a year to pick up the litter. These are funds and time can be better utilized with other aspects of borough upkeep.
Other things that can be done as residents at your own homes:
Place ALL trash in bags and place the bags in a can with a lid. Big’s (and other haulers) will not empty a can full of loose items from a can.
Ensure that there is NO LIQUID in your cans from items leaking or being filled with water. If necessary, drill a couple of small holes to let the water out but that will not allow rodents to enter.
Make sure your can is not too heavy. Cans should weigh no more than 35 pounds.
Place no more than ONE large item (mattress, appliance, chair, couch, etc.) out per week.
DO NOT put out construction materials, tires, electronics or other “hard to recycle” items
Bring your trash cans in on Thursday afternoon/evening.
Reduce your weekly trash by placing recyclable materials in the recycling bins at 506/516 Bessemer. Paper, cardboard, metal (cans) and plastic are accepted.
If you have an issue with your trash pickup please call Big’s directly at 724-379-4331.
On June 16, 2020 the Borough Council adopted a set of rules of conduct to govern all future Council meetings. These rules of order outline behavior, public comment and the general rules necessary to conduct borough business.
Copies of the Rules of Order will be available during in person Council Meetings and by clicking here.